Tahoe Donner
Tahoe Donner is located in the upper region of Truckee, California, within 5 miles of Donner Lake and less than 20 miles from Lake Tahoe. Tahoe Donner Association manages two ski areas, restaurants, an 18 hole golf course, equestrian center & campground that are available to the public. The association also manages other amenities for the exclusive use of more than 6,300 property owners.
Facts about Tahoe Donner:
- Established in 1970.
- First home built in 1972.
- Property owners association of approximately 6,000 acres.
- 3,300 acres owned and managed by the association.
- Of the 3,300 acres, 1,300 acres are interspersed among homes.
- Elevation ranges from 6,200 to almost 8,000 feet.
- Forest type ranges from eastside pine to true fir with a large area covered in brush.
- Use prior to subdivision – general forest management
- Two saw mills operated along Trout Creek during the late 1800’s and a railroad spur from Hobart Mills operated along Alder Creek into Tahoe Donner.
- Area was heavily logged through the 1920’s
- 6,300 memberships (19,074 members).
- 5,948 residential lots, as of 1/1/02 4,662 lots developed.
- 20% of the homes are primary residents while 80% are second homes.
- 55% of the second homes are owned from people from the bay area and 13% from the Sacramento area.
Useful Tahoe Donner Contact Numbers:
Golf (530) 587-9443
Beach Club Marina (530) 587-9460
Campground (530) 587-9462
Trout Creek Recreation Center (530) 587-9437
The Lodge at Tahoe Donner (530) 587-9455
Beach Club Marina (530) 587-9460
Campground (530) 587-9462
Trout Creek Recreation Center (530) 587-9437
The Lodge at Tahoe Donner (530) 587-9455
Tennis Center (530) 587-9474
Equestrian Center (530) 587-9470
Forestry (530) 587-9432
Northwood’s Clubhouse Offices (530) 587-9400
Pizza on the Hill (530) 582-9669
Equestrian Center (530) 587-9470
Forestry (530) 587-9432
Northwood’s Clubhouse Offices (530) 587-9400
Pizza on the Hill (530) 582-9669